So as I mentioned last time i spent the first week or so after the accident working in California. The details are a little blurry at this point but somehow I'd gotten an opportunity to do some walk on part work for TV shows. I was working on a half-hour teen dramedy about a high school cheerleader. I ended up in a small fender fender and had to go to hospital and they found some stuff wrong with me that left me recovering for a few days. I had suffered some untreated injuries in an accident back home a few days before i headed to CA. The other show I don't remember specifics but i landed in the hospital after suffering asthma attack triggered by some weeds being used for decorations.
I'm not sure about anyone else but when dreaming normally I have trouble reading. Not that i cannot read, but anything i look at is gobbledy-gook. And it's all forms of reading, books, news papers, websites, etc. Well while i was in CA working, i was able to find myself on the IMDB. :-)
I don't know. There was a few other acting gigs but i don't remember enough details. One thing I really don't understand is why I spent Hallowe'en at Kevin Sorbo's house. I was fairly well cognizant of real time going by and the accident was well after Hallowe'en.
Oh and did I mention the hospital i was in was geographically in CA but was sovereign Canadian land? Well it was. And it was staffed by Buffalonians. So something was soaking through from the real world.
Next time we'll discuss some of the other jobs i worked while tripping.